Saturday, March 29, 2025

Hover Disc

Posted by Pterodactyl on January 27, 2010 at 6:16 pm

I like my Hover Disc because it’s cool. I like to throw it up in the air and watch it come down. I think I’ve gotten it up to about sixty feet. It goes pretty high when you hold it sideways and throw it. It looks like a UFO. Sometimes Samuel (my cousin) and I both play with our Hover Discs at the same time.

It can fly sideways, and sometimes it turns around in the air and comes back so you don’t have to run after it.

I think it’s made pretty well. Sometimes my cousin and I accidently crash ours together in the air and they have not gotten hurt. We like to play a game where we pretend that it’s a real UFO and we try to keep it from flipping and make it land gently instead of crashing.

It can be filled with helium, but we have always just used air.

I think that everyone would like a Hover Disc. They are cool and fun to play with.

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