Tuesday, February 11, 2025


The best part about being a member of the Kids’ Adventure Club is that a large part of the content is written by kids. Sometimes Adventure Dad or one of the other adult members will have something to say, and of course they were kids at one time, but there’s nothing like reading a hobby tip or how-to post by another kid. Kids know what is fun!

Now why would a kid like you want to tell other kids about a baseball card collection, or a tip about how to hold model parts together while the glue dries? Why tell other kids what your neighborhood kids’ club did yesterday, or how much you enjoy a new toy or game?

People have different reasons for posting or commenting their thoughts and opinions. Maybe you just like to help others have a good time. Maybe you like to find and chat with people who share your interests. Maybe you like to earn prizes.


Yup, prizes. Here’s how you can get some:

Over in the sidebar you’ll see a section called “My Credits” There is an amount of credits shown there, which is how much you have in the bank right now. You got 5 credits when you registered. You get 1 credit every day that you log in. You get 1 credit every time you comment on a post, and 5 credits every time you write a new post after you are approved as an author on the site.

After you have saved enough credits, you can select from a list of prizes which one you would like to have. Some prizes don’t cost very much and you could earn them pretty quickly. Others are really pretty expensive and you’ll have to work hard and save for a long time to get them.

Now you’re probably wondering why you’d be paid for posting your opinion when so many other sites don’t pay you. Well, we all want the Kids Adventure Club to be the best place online to find out
what kids like you think about different products and activities, and there’s no better way to insure that the club members have access to the best information than to pay the writers for it.

The Kids’ Adventure Club is paid for by the advertisements you on see on some pages. If people don’t come to the site, there will be no one to see the advertisements. If no one sees the ads, the advertisers will stop paying for the club. So, it’s only fair that the kids who write for the club get payed for their work, because it’s good information written by kids that people join the club for in the first place.

If you are the type of kid who is interested in earning prizes in exchange for writing interesting content for the Kids’ Adventure Club, you will find the submission form here or on the menus at the top of each page. There are some rules to follow at the top of the submission page; be sure to follow them so your writing will be accepted, and so you will get your points!